I have always been one of those people who loves to get out into the world and talk with other people, but a few years ago, I realized that I had to do something about my smile. My teeth were yellow and unattractive, and it was really discouraging to see how much different my smile was. I knew that I needed to get my teeth fixed, so I started working with a professional dentist to make things right. Within a few short months, my smile was completely transformed, and I knew that I owed it all to my dental professional. Check out this blog for more information about working with a dentist.
Harper Hughes
Just as with adult teeth, a child's fillings can come loose and fall out. Some very young children with fillings in their baby teeth can lose the filling when adult teeth begin to push them out. Children seldom cope well with pain and it can be difficult to know how to handle this issue. Most parents want to foster good dental habits and try to mitigate the trauma on the child as best as they can. If you handle a missing filling in the right way, your child won't fear the dentist and is more likely to enjoy a lifetime of good oral health. Read on to find out more.
Call Your Dentist – While a missing filling is not a real dental emergency, it can feel that way for parents and miserable children. Most family dentists understand that a missing filling in a child is more urgent than in an adult and will may try to fit you into the schedule as soon as possible. In the meantime, there are some at-home measures you can take to help deal with the issue
Help Them Alleviate Pain – The loss of a filing usually exposes the nerve to air, drinks, and food. Sharp pains in the area are common and extremely distressing for both parents and children. Pain relief can be accomplished while you wait to see the dentist using over-the-counter analgesics like Orajel, that temporarily numb the area. Additionally, speak with your pediatrician about aspirin or other over-the-counter pain relievers.
Use a Temporary Filling – Dental cement can be purchased at your local pharmacy. Using the cement to temporarily fill the space left by the filling can help alleviate some of the discomfort for your child. Doing so may also work to shore up the tooth to prevent it from cracking and breaking.
Use Good Hygiene – It may be tempting to avoid brushing after the loss of a filing. It's vital that the area around the affected tooth is kept as clean as possible to avoid a bacterial infection. If your child is able to brush, use a very soft toothbrush to gently brush the affected area two time a day as usual. Avoid mouthwash, as it may cause pain and burning for the child.
Prepare Them for the Dental Visit – It's important not to alarm the child prior to the visit. In some cases, the filling was in place for quite some time before it was lost and children won't remember anything but the most recent cleaning. Some casual discussions of what to expect when visiting the dentist might be in order. If you or your child are extremely anxious about the visit, let the staff know so that they can be extra-reassuring.
For more information, you will want to contact a professional such as Thomas Krull, DDS, PC.