Working With A Great Dentist
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Working With A Great Dentist

I have always been one of those people who loves to get out into the world and talk with other people, but a few years ago, I realized that I had to do something about my smile. My teeth were yellow and unattractive, and it was really discouraging to see how much different my smile was. I knew that I needed to get my teeth fixed, so I started working with a professional dentist to make things right. Within a few short months, my smile was completely transformed, and I knew that I owed it all to my dental professional. Check out this blog for more information about working with a dentist.


Working With A Great Dentist

Oil Pulling: Effective New Treatment Or Medical Quackery?

Harper Hughes

If you're a fan of natural living, you may have heard of oil pulling, the technique that involves swishing oil around in your mouth for a few minutes. Proponents claim that doing this eliminates oral bacteria and creates a protective film on your teeth, but the general dental community does not entirely support the practice because of a lack of scientific evidence.

If you're thinking of using oil pulling in an attempt to enhance your dental health, here's what you need to know:

Oil pulling is an ancient folk remedy.

It's not a new concept or idea. The method, which involves swishing olive, sunflower or coconut oil around in the mouth for up to 20 minutes, has been a part of traditional Indian and Asian medicine for centuries. Proponents of the practice claim that since it has been used for so long, it must be effective. However, few studies have been conducted to verify its effectiveness, so the jury remains out on this matter.

Proponents claim it has a wide array of dental health effects.

They say it can whiten teeth, freshen bad breath, reduce gum inflammation, and fight cavities, all by removing oral bacteria from the mouth. However, since these effects have not been scientifically proven, the American Dental Association does not support the use of oil pulling as a replacement for regular dental care.

Instead, they recommend practices that have been proven to work: brushing twice a day with a fluoride toothpaste, using an over-the-counter mouthwash to reduce oral bacteria levels, and visiting the dentist regularly for thorough cleanings.

Some dentists may recommend using oil pulling as supplemental therapy.

It's important to be aware that you do not have to completely eschew modern dentistry in order to give oil pulling a try. Though some dentists are of the opinion that it is pure quackery, there are some who encourage their patients to use it as a supplemental therapy if they so wish.

This would mean continuing with your regular dental hygiene routine, but also using oil pulling on occasion to hopefully reduce the number of oral bacteria in the mouth. This, it seems, is a logical approach, since it allows for the benefits of oil pulling if they do so exist, while still ensuring the teeth are protected in case oil pulling is pure hype.

Until there is more scientific evidence to support its effects, it's probably not wise to stop seeing your dentist, throw away your toothpaste, and use oil pulling as your primary means of dental care. However, there's little harm in swishing some coconut oil around in your mouth in hopes of improving your oral health – as long as you also keep up with the proven dental care methods supported by the ADA.

To learn more, contact a company like Randolph Dental Group with any questions or concerns you have.
