I have always been one of those people who loves to get out into the world and talk with other people, but a few years ago, I realized that I had to do something about my smile. My teeth were yellow and unattractive, and it was really discouraging to see how much different my smile was. I knew that I needed to get my teeth fixed, so I started working with a professional dentist to make things right. Within a few short months, my smile was completely transformed, and I knew that I owed it all to my dental professional. Check out this blog for more information about working with a dentist.
Harper Hughes
Teeth grinding is a problem which many sufferers are not even aware that they have. Even though most children grow out of this night time habit, it is not something that should be ignored or passively tolerated. Teeth grinding in your sleep – called "bruxism" - causes irreversible damage to your teeth. Learning to recognize the signs and take some preventative measures can keep that damage to a minimum.
Signs of Teeth Grinding
Sometimes people who sleep in the same room with you will hear you grinding your teeth at night, and sometimes the sound may even wake you up. But there are other signs that you are engaging in this activity even if the sound is not heard by anyone else.
Complications of Teeth Grinding
Complications caused by teeth grinding are often more difficult to treat than the habit itself. Ringing, hissing, or buzzing in the ear; cold and heat sensitive teeth; and loose, broken, or cracked teeth can all be unpleasant results of long term bruxism. In some instances, the damage to teeth is permanent and may lead to extensive restorations of teeth or tooth loss. It may also lead to chronic muscle and jaw joint pain, which can lead to depression and get worse with stress.
Ending Teeth Grinding
Certain medications are available to treat bruxism, but they cannot be used long term. The goal is to break the damaging habit. You can ask your dentist to fit you with a mouth guard to help prevent dental complications caused by bruxism. The mouth guard is one of the best options that you can try because of its safety and the fact that it will protect your teeth from more wearing.
While the causes of teeth grinding can be anything from stress and anxiety to changes in brain chemistry caused by drugs or alcohol, the results are always the same. Whether it is a central nervous system problem, or a side effect of medication, the problem should always be addressed.
There is no reason for a person who has good dental hygiene to suffer from dental problems that occur while he sleeps. If you think you have signs of bruxism, don't hesitate to visit your dentist and deal with the issue before more damage is caused to your mouth than you ever "dreamed" about. Some things are meant to be ground – like coffee beans. So grind your beans, enjoy your coffee, and let your teeth get the peaceful rest at night that they deserve. (For more information, contact Adams Dental Center)