Working With A Great Dentist
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Working With A Great Dentist

I have always been one of those people who loves to get out into the world and talk with other people, but a few years ago, I realized that I had to do something about my smile. My teeth were yellow and unattractive, and it was really discouraging to see how much different my smile was. I knew that I needed to get my teeth fixed, so I started working with a professional dentist to make things right. Within a few short months, my smile was completely transformed, and I knew that I owed it all to my dental professional. Check out this blog for more information about working with a dentist.


Working With A Great Dentist

Can You Receive An Implant Years After An Extraction?

Harper Hughes

If you have ever spoken to your oral care professional about the use of dental implants to replace a tooth, then you may know some of the basics. While many people will have an implant secured almost immediately after an extraction, this is not always possible. If you wait some years before inquiring about an implant, then you may wonder if you can actually receive one or not. Keep reading to learn more about this.

Can You Receive An Implant Years After A Tooth Extraction?

When you lose a tooth, an open space will remain in the jaw where the tooth root was originally located. This space will fill in over time with new bone cells through remodeling. When this happens, the bone will often be thinner and not as tall as the bone material surrounding it. And, since the section of the jaw will not be exposed to a great deal of pressure and stress, the bone is likely to lose some more of its density as you age.

If you decide to have an implant secured years after your initial extraction, your oral care professional will need to examine the bone density and bulk. If there is enough bone, then the implant procedure can be scheduled normally, like it would if you were receiving an immediate device. However, if the bone is not thick enough, then you may need a graft. Bone grafts can sometimes be added at the same time that the implant is secured, or you may need to allow the jaw to heal for a few months before the main procedure can be performed.

What Are The Possible Complications Of This Sort Of Surgery?

You may wonder if there is any reason why you should not be receiving a dental implant late after the extraction process. There are some complication risks, including the failure of the implant. This is more of an issue if you opted out of the bone graft and had the implant placed directly into the jaw. In this scenario, the older bone material may not be able to form new tissues as effectively, which can disrupt the osseointegration process.

Also, since the gums start to thin out as a person ages, your dentist will need to watch the surgical area to make sure that the tissues are healing properly and effectively enough to surround the implant and to also cover the jaw bone. While it is not common, you may need some gum tissue grafts to ensure coverage.

If you want to know more about implants and how they can work for you years after an extraction, speak with a dental care clinic like Cherry Hill Dentistry LLC.
